Monday, March 12, 2007


(Z. Cioccolato in San Fran! best fudge I've ever had)


What could be better than picutres of chocolate? well, ok, maybe eating it. but let's say you dont' have your pick of the litter, or enough money to to indulge all your chocolate dreams?

I say slap yourself silly with imagination and gentle lust looking at chocolate pictures.

In the slow and ever changing attempts to start a small business focused on chocolate, I have my share of pictures! After just writing my hot chocolate blog I got amped up and spazed out on the thought of the lovely stuff, and I just want to share some of my pictures with you. enjoy.

This is probably my favorite picture of all time (that I took)
Not only is a picture of a chocolate 'gateau' like this enough to knock me out for days, but the fact that I have the glorious glory of remembering what it was to EAT it...? whew, lord hold me back. Everyone go to Paris.

These pictures are from my days of obsessive chocolate truffle/candy testing.

mmm melty chocolate goodness.
more chocolate pictures to come, I'm inspired!

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