Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Food Muse 2- Chocolate! and it's addictive properties

Hey Everyone-
Long ago when I was thinking of making Foodie a 'hard copy' magazine, I called for chocolate/food articles. Local LA writer, Tina M. Courtney, responded with enthusiasm and a great article about said topic. Since I finally have the proper venue, and I happen to be chocolate musing today anyway, I thought it would be the best time to post it. at last!

The Addictive Properties of Chocolate – Myths Dispelled and Truths Revealed
By Tina M. Courtney

Few foods are held in higher accord than our beloved chocolate, and for good reason. Even the mightiest among us have succumbed to a late-night cocoa craving, so when you find yourself combing through the cupboards at 2 AM itching for a fix, take heart – it’s chemical. Chocolate has many psychoactive qualities, but you don’t need to hit the nearest rehab. This is one addiction you can be proud of, and there’s even evidence that regular consumption is heart-healthy and improves longevity. Sounds too good to be true? The proof is in the pudding, so read on for the delicious details.

Chocolate is derived from the tropical tree Theobroma Cocao - theobroma means “food of the gods” in Greek. You’re already feeling better, aren’t you?
Chocolate contains small quantities of anandamide, a chemical naturally found in our active little brains the induces a sense of well-being and peacefulness. Chocolate contains two structurally similar chemicals, and some believe this accounts for the soothing feeling sparked by a chocolate binge.
Chocolate also contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid most commonly found in turkey. Think of your last Thanksgiving meal – you felt fat, happy, and super-relaxed in the aftermath, right? Chocolate can have the same effect. The tryptophan in both of these foods assists in the production of serotonin, our mood-modulating neurotransmitter.
Hardcore chocoholics swear consumption triggers an inner-glow like none other. Science can prove it. This sweet treat assists in releasing endorphins, the body’s own opiates. These little honeys ease pain sensitivity and give us a little buzz – and it’s all legal!
Know any wise women who swear that PMS sparks serious chocolate cravings? There’s proof of that as well. Chocolate is rich with magnesium, and during the pre-menstrual days, women are low on this essential nutrient. These cravings are, in part, the body’s way of staying healthy.
The key player in this heavenly snack is phenylethylamine, the beloved substance that releases dopamine in our pleasure-center, setting off feelings of attraction, excitement, and full-on euphoria. The amount of chemical giddiness chocolate is truly responsible for remains debatable, but believers speculate some are simply more susceptible to phenylethylamine than others. It’s also common knowledge that women produce more phenylethylamine than men. It’s all making so much sense.
Lastly, chocolate may even be linked to a longer life span. A recent study of 8,000 male Harvard graduates showed that chocoholics lived longer than abstainers. This may be derived by the high polyphenol levels in chocolate – a substance the vehemently protects again heart disease.

There’s enough backlash out there about the negative repercussions of this sinful treat, but enough with the chocolate bashing. Yes, of course unreasonably large consumptions of high-fat chocolates will cause weight gain and related health issues, but those in the know embrace the darker varieties as a truly healthy snack. Consider these facts justification for your next bona fide craving – tell the nay-sayers it’s biological, and get yourself a guilt-free fix.

(And now thanks to Tina's article I'm sure we all could do with a healthy chocolate indulgence! Here are my top favorites and suggestions. yumyumyumyumyum stuff chocolate into your mouth!! :))

(First things first, this is Tina's blog site! check it out of course. honestly it makes me hungry just looking at it)

(Jacques Torres: Charming. French. Chocolate obsessed. totally worth shipping from NY.)

(Like, one of the best candy bars ever)

(a FANTASTIC tea house and british store in Santa Monica, with, most importantly, a divine British candy selection. You can get yer Violet Crumble there luv! and I also highlyreccommend the Aero bars. OO! and Twirly Whirleys!)

(Ok maybe a bit of a stretch 'cuz it's in France, but I love them. really tasty spicey conncoctions. They too are worth the shipping. Just look at the pretty dark chocolate site! drroooool)

(ok, not a huge scharffberger fan, BUT their Gianduja (Hazelnut) bar is UNREAL. unreal. again... unreal.)


(They have REALLY good dark chocolate from Belgium ("pound plus") that's less than $3. seriously. Good for, oh say really strange hormonal late night cravings where you want to eat frozen cherries and feel gobs of rich, melted, dark chocolate sliding down your throat. ahem. just as a purely hypothetical example, of course. Check them out to find a store near you.)

(AND just for fun, as a healthy reminder, pretty much my fav. candy ever - junior mints! Dark chocolate and "low fat"! wheeeee. Try them slowly in a movie theatre with popcorn. yes.)

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